Сервер Gracia Part 2 от команды L2emu-rt rev 365
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  Сервер Gracia Part 2 от команды L2emu-rt rev 365

Сервер Gracia Part 2 от команды L2emu-rt rev 365

Adds & Fix for some Skills
DP: *nix dbInstaller small fix. Thx Scrudj™
DP: Add enchant skills
Tribunal: Decreases Critical Attack power of the target
Judgment: Critical attack rate of the target is decreased
Arrest: Increases effectiveness
Shackle: Increases effectiveness
Mass Shackling: Increases effectiveness
Banish Undead: Increases the success rate
Angelic Icon: Decreases MP consumption, Decreases reuse time, Increases P. Def./M. Def./Atk. Spd, Duration of the skill has been increased
Mortal Strike: Increases the success rate, Increases the effect's duration
Stealth: Decreases MP consumption, Duration is increased
Sand Bomb: Decreases MP consumption, Increases the success rate
Rapid Fire: Attack power increases, Increases the effect's duration
Dead Eye: Attack power increases
Pain of Sagittarius: Increases amount of MP recovery
Zealot: MP/HP consumption has been decreased, Increases the effect's duration
Fell Swoop: Increases effectiveness, Increases the effect's duration
Polearm Accuracy: Increases accuracy, MP consumption of the skills has been decreased
War Frenzy: Increases tolerance to shock/sleep, Decreases MP consumption
Inner Rhythm: Decreases MP consumption for song/dance skills
Knighthood: Increases P. Def. Increases shield P. Def. additionally
Master of Combat: Increases attack power of sword/blunt weapon/polearm, Increases attack power of dual-bladed/fighting weapon
Archery: Increases attack power of bow weapon
Assassination: Increases attack power of dagger weapon, Increases deadly attack probability
Arcane Roar: Increases magic attack power, Increases elemental tolerance
Necromancy: Increases magic attack power, Increases darkness tolerance
Summon Lore: Increases P. Def./magic speed when wearing light armor, Increases P. Def./magic speed when wearing robe
Divine Lore: MP consumption for magical skills is decreased
Song of Silence: Decreases MP consumption, Increases the success rate
Braveheart: Increases the amount of CP recovery
Banish Seraph: Increases the success rate
Shock Stomp: Increases the success rate
Light Armor Mastery: Increases P. Def., Increase Evasion
Magic Immunity: Increases M. Def.
Ancient Sword Mastery: Attack power increases, Increases Atk. Spd.
Crossbow Mastery: Attack power increases, Increases Atk. Spd.
Rapier Mastery: Attack power increases, Increases Atk. Spd.
Sword Shield: Effect is increased, Speed penalty is decreased
Disarm: Increases the success rate, Increases the effect's duration
Blade Rush: Decreases MP consumption, Increases the success rate, Effect is increased
- Stats Skills for pets
- Stats for Talismans


>> Ява сервера » Сборки серверов, Сервер Gracia Part 2 от команды L2emu-rt rev 365

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