Perconfig Pack CT2.2. by Stive
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  Perconfig Pack CT2.2. by Stive

Perconfig Pack CT2.2. by Stive

Основано на L2JCTeam Pack Rev. 105
Установленные патчи :

Banking System .Deposit . Winthraw

Vitality System - Full Working

Custom Spawnlist - All new chars are spawned in Forbiten Gateaway and there have LvL mobs for fast lvling!

LvL 81 Skills - Just need the Spell Books!

Custom LvL Starting (You can make it all new chars have instand lvl 85)

Voice Command for online players .Online (You can check how many players are online)

Alternative Enchant System - More enchant configurations (

PvP/Pk Color Sytem - Very Usefull for PvP high rates Servers

Portable Class master with new Html's - When a Player Reach the following levels 20-40-76, a window pop-up and show the avalaible classes for the player Smiley very usefull...cuz you havent to return in town !

Perfect Global GK - No other words, thnx magidzmo

Perfect Buffer with fast menu + Images - No other words credits to (Dont Remember The name!)

Away System / Offline Trade-Crafting - Usefull for Low rates Server - In other words, when you use this can leave your player in trade mode (selling shits) and close the client...the player will stay online and will continue to Sell or craft

Hero Skills on All subclasses - self explaining

Anti-Lag PATCH for Sieges - Usefull about me.

TvT with Commands .join - Not tested.. Should work properly

Reworked Olimpiad- as I write...I apply this patch for a more secured Olimpiad system...which is more configurable.

Mana Potions Full Working.

Fortress - 100% Fixed!

Gm Shop - Full Gm Shop With Icons! Credits to xxpacificxx

Augmenter - Gredits to Pin!

Epic Trader - (Who Wants to add Epic weapons/armo/Vesper) Credits to TerrorXCrew

Vesper Armors Included in pack! Credits to me!

Noblese Manager - Makes you noblese for 10 Gold Bar!

Sex Npc - Can change your character Gender!

4 Custom Areas - 1 (NPC Area) There are all npc spawned!
2 (PvP Area) There you can fight all day Tongue)
3 (Adena Zone) Custom zone and mos that drops Only Adena
4 (Festival Zone) Custom zone that drops Festival Adena

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Perconfig Pack CT2.2. by Stive

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Perconfig Pack CT2.2. by Stive

>> Ява сервера » Сборки серверов, Perconfig Pack CT2.2. by Stive

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Разместил: Dahaka Прочитано: 5556

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